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We are using a Daily 5 model in our classroom this year.  Students participate in small groups, independent reading, and reading with partners.  They also work on reading reponses regularly along with word work activities.  See more of what we are learning in reading this year below.

Unit One

Students work on building their comprehension throughout this unit by using elements of a text as evidence for analyzing characters and finding theme.  Students will use strategies such as summarizing and context clues in fiction texts.


How to summarize...

Unit Three

Students work on finding the theme of a story, poem or drama. They will use details of these texts to infer the message.  They will also learn and be able to explain why poems and dramas have thier own formats.


Unit Four

Students will learn and recognize different structures authors use to organize informational texts.  Students will understand that authors support their points with examples and details.

First Quarter

Second Quarter

Unit Two

Students will work on building their comprehension throughout this unit by using elements of a text to make inferences and using various strategies to figure out the meaning of words.  Students will also practice finding the main idea and details explaining why text features are used in informational texts.

Third Quarter

Unit Five

Students will read traditional stories noticing patterns found in folk tales and myths across cultures.  They will organize details from two traditional stories to compare and contrast the plots.

Vocabulary for this unit:


literary language

traditional literature




fairy tale

literary elements: character, setting,

                                 plot, event

oral story



pattern Herculean

Achilles’ Heel

Pandora’s Box

Unit Six

Students will review text structures from Unit Four and use them to draw inferences and find the main idea of a text.  Students will read informational texts about scientific and historical events and processes.  Students will also compare and contrast texts about the same event focusing on firsthand versus secondhand accounts.

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